Confessions of a Columnist

by Jaime Watt
with Breen Wilkinson
Jaime Watt shares his most eye-opening and thought-provoking Toronto Star columns and responds with what he wishes he’d said. A candid and humorous look at recent times, in this unique collection, Watt presents fresh political insight and pulls no punches in critiquing his previous opinions and beliefs. Read more.

Jaime Watt
Jaime Watt is the Executive Chairman of Navigator and Founder of the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation. He specializes in complex public strategy issues, serving both domestic and international clients in the corporate, professional services, not-for-profit, and political leaders at all three levels of government across Canada. Jaime currently serves on several boards, including the University Health Network and the Shaw Festival. As chancellor of OCAD University and an adjunct faculty member of the Directors Education Program at the University of Toronto, Jaime is committed to developing Canada’s next generation of leaders. Passionate about promoting human rights and equality, Jaime has received numerous accolades, including the Eagle Lifetime Achievement Award and the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals. A sought-after public affairs commentator and weekly columnist for the Toronto Star, Jaime regularly shares his expertise and insights with audiences across Canada.

Breen Wilkinson
Breen Wilkinson is a Consultant at Navigator with over six years of experience at Queen’s Park in strategic communications and engagement. Breen holds a master’s degree in English literature from McGill University and an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and English literature from the University of Toronto.
The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, PC, CC, GOQ, —18th prime minister of Canada
Lisa LaFlamme, OC, OOnt, Canadian journalist
Jordan Bitove, publisher of the Toronto Star and owner of the Torstar Corporation
Rick Mercer, OC, comedian, television personality, political satirist, and author
Peter Mansbridge, OC, award- winning journalist
Phillip Crawley, CM, CBE, publisher and CEO of the Globe and Mail
Kyle Wyatt, editor- in- chief, Literary Review of Canada
The Honourable Mike Harris, OOnt, 22nd premier of Ontario
The Honourable David Peterson, PC, KC, OOnt, 20th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, 25th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, OOnt, 24th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Ernie Eves, OOnt, KC, 23rd premier of Ontario
The Honourable Alison Redford, ECA, KC, 14th premier of Alberta
The Honourable Jean Charest, PC, 29th premier of Quebec
The Honourable Margaret McCain, CC, ONB, 27th lieutenant- governor of New Brunswick
Sally Armstrong, OC, Canadian journalist and human rights activist
Bob Dhillon, OC, founder, president & CEO of Mainstreet Equity Corp.
Gordon Campbell, OC, OBC, 35th mayor of Vancouver and the 34th premier of British Columbia
The Honourable Bob Rae, PC, CC, OOnt, KC, Canadian ambassador to the United Nations, 21st premier of Ontario
The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, ECA, 18th premier of Alberta
The Honourable John Baird, PC, former Canadian minister of foreign affairs
The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, PC, CC, GOQ, —18th prime minister of Canada
Lisa LaFlamme, OC, OOnt, Canadian journalist
Jordan Bitove, publisher of the Toronto Star and owner of the Torstar Corporation
Rick Mercer, OC, comedian, television personality, political satirist, and author
Peter Mansbridge, OC, award- winning journalist
Phillip Crawley, CM, CBE, publisher and CEO of the Globe and Mail
Kyle Wyatt, editor- in- chief, Literary Review of Canada
The Honourable Mike Harris, OOnt, 22nd premier of Ontario
The Honourable David Peterson, PC, KC, OOnt, 20th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, 25th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, OOnt, 24th premier of Ontario
The Honourable Ernie Eves, OOnt, KC, 23rd premier of Ontario
The Honourable Alison Redford, ECA, KC, 14th premier of Alberta
The Honourable Jean Charest, PC, 29th premier of Quebec
The Honourable Margaret McCain, CC, ONB, 27th lieutenant- governor of New Brunswick
Sally Armstrong, OC, Canadian journalist and human rights activist
Bob Dhillon, OC, founder, president & CEO of Mainstreet Equity Corp.
Gordon Campbell, OC, OBC, 35th mayor of Vancouver and the 34th premier of British Columbia
The Honourable Bob Rae, PC, CC, OOnt, KC, Canadian ambassador to the United Nations, 21st premier of Ontario
The Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, ECA, 18th premier of Alberta
The Honourable John Baird, PC, former Canadian minister of foreign affairs
What I Wish I Said
If only I’d known more.
If only I had more time.
If only I’d kept my mouth shut.
If only I’d spoken out.
We’ve all been there before. We’ve all experienced those feelings of regret accompanied by that same unrelenting thought: what you wish you’d said.
Unable to ignore the urge any longer, in What I Wish I Said: Confessions of a Columnist, author Jaime Watt has collected 48 of his most eye-opening, illuminating, and provocative Toronto Star columns and with humour, candour, and wit, he’s responded to each with new perspectives and ideas. Watt pulls no punches when it comes to critiquing his past work, inviting readers to consider how their views may have changed over time.
With contributions from former senator and columnist André Pratte and former editor-in-chief of the Toronto Star Michael Cooke, this collection delves into some of the most pressing issues in Canadian political and cultural life across six topical subject areas: civil liberties and human rights, leadership, the perils of governing, the agonies of opposition, the Donald Trump presidency, and the COVID-19 crisis.
Whether you are a longtime follower of Watt's work or a newcomer to his writing, What I Wish I Said is a must-read for anyone interested in Canadian politics, journalism, or the art of opinion writing.
All author proceeds from this book will be donated to The Centre for Living Organ Donation at University Health Network—created to improve access to living organ donation for people in need of a life-saving transplant and those who want to give the extraordinary gift of life.